Ausbildungen, Zertifikate und Abschlüsse
- Doktoratsstudium Bauingenieurwesen, TU Wien (Inst. für Mechanik der Werkstoffe und Strukturen), Dr. techn. 2017
- Masterstudium Bauingenieurwesen, TU Wien, 2013
- Bachelorstudium Bauingenieurwesen, Technische und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Universität Budapest, Ungarn, 2011
Beruflicher Werdegang
- HPIEngineering GmbH / Design and Analysis
- PORR Bau GmbH / Structural Engineer
- Waagner-Biro Bridge Systems AG / Structural Engineer
- TU Wien, Institut für Mechanik der Werkstoffe und Strukturen / Projektassistentin
- TU Wien, Institut für Tragkonstruktionen (Inst. für Betonbau) Studienassistentin
Publikationen, Vorträge
- Eigene Papers, Artikel und Conference Proceedings:
- Szlazak, K., Vass, V., Hasslinger, P., Jaroszewicz, J., Dejaco, A., Idaszek, J., Scheiner, S., Hellmich, C., & Swieszkowski, W. (2019). X-Ray Physics-Based CT-to-Composition Conversion Applied to a Tissue Engineering Scaffold, Enabling Multiscale Simulation of its Elastic Behavior. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 95, 389–396.
- Vass, V., Morin, C., Scheiner, S., & Hellmich, C. (2018). Review of “Universal Rules Governing Bone Composition, Organization, and Elasticity Across Organizational Hierarchies.” In P. Pivonka (Ed.), Multiscale Mechanobiology of Bone Remodeling and Adaptation (pp. 175–229). Springer
- Morin, C., Vass, V., & Hellmich, C. (2017). Micromechanics Porous Polycrystals: Theory, Algorithm, and Application to Osteonal Bone. International Journal of Plasticity, 91, 238–267.
- Hasslinger, P., Vass, V., Dejaco, A., Blanchard, R., Örlygsson, G., Gargiulo, P., & Hellmich, C. (2016). Coupling Multiscale X-Ray Physics and Micromechanics for Bone Tissue Composition and Elasticity Determination from Micro-CT Data, by Example of Femora from OVX and Sham Rats. International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 17(3), 222–244.
- Vass, V., Lublóy, E., Horváth, L., Balázs, Gy. L. (2011). Fire design of concrete-steelcomposite structures, Concrete Structures (Journal of the Hungarian Group of fib, Vasbetonépítés), Volume 8: Issue 4 (pp. 114-121).
- Vass, V., Bojtár, I. (2009). The mathematical background of the Saint-Venant principle, Architectonics and Architecture (Építés-Építészettudomány), Volume 37: Issue 1-2 (pp. 41-77).
- Andere Artikel:
- Godinho, P. M. J. S., Jajcinovic, M., Wagner, L., Vass, V., Fischer, W. J., Bader, T. K., Hirn, U., Bauer, W., Eberhardsteiner, J., & Hellmich, C. (2019). A Continuum Micromechanics Approach to the Elasticity and Strength of Planar Fiber Networks: Theory and Application to Paper Sheets. European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids, 75, 516–531.
- Hellmich, C., Vass, V., Königsberger, M., Shahidi, M., Godinho, P. M., Morin, C., & Pichler, B. (2017). Poro-Micromechanics of Materials with Complex Morphologies – A Review, and Recent Results for Concrete, Bone, and Paper. In Proceedings of the 6th Biot Conference on Poromechanics (pp. 28–35). American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
Präsentationen auf Konferenzen und Symposien
- Vass, V. (2017). Micromechanics of Plastically Sliding Interfaces: Theoretical Foundations and Application to Bone. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multiscale Problems in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology (MultiBioMe 2017), Wien, Austria
- Vass, V. (2016). Micromechanics of Plastically Sliding Interfaces: Theoretical Foundations and Application to Bone. European Mechanics of Materials Conference (ECCM15), Brussels, Belgium
- Vass, V. (2016). Micromechanics of Plastically Sliding Interfaces: Theoretical Foundations and Application to Bone. 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XII) and 6th Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM VI), Seoul, South Korea
- Vass, V. (2016). Micromechanics of Plastically Sliding Interfaces: Theoretical Foundations and Application to Bone. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2016 (EMI 2016), Nashville, Tennessee, USA
- Vass, V. (2015). Coupling Multiscale X-Ray Physics and Micromechanics for Composition and Elasticity Determination from Micro-CT Data, by Example of Femur from OVX and Sham Rats. 2nd International Conference on Multi-Scale Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Vass, V. (2014). Multiscale Elastoplasticity of Porous Polycrystals: Fundamentals and Application to Osteonal Failure in Lamellar Bone. 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI) & 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V) & 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD VI), Barcelona, Spain